Bauhinia Consulting exists to help Christian business leaders deliver results that they often don’t believe are possible

Kingdom Businesses need Kingdom Business Expertise

What would your business look like if the Kingdom came to your part of earth just like it is in heaven?

But How?

Unless you know someone pretty special, it seems like it’s almost impossible to know what to do Monday morning?  After all the inspiring talk, how do you actually DO this stuff?

How can business leaders get equipped to see Kingdom results?  The answer: learn how to use the same business skills that made your company successful to solve for spiritual integration. 

The Beautiful Growth

Bauhinia Consulting exists to help you do that.  We give you the framework for Kingdom growth, we calibrate it precisely to your business and people, we train your people for success, we help you decide what spiritual goals you want to achieve, and we create unique KPIs for you to track the progress towards those goals.

When people come to know Jesus through interacting with the Christians at your business, how much would their lives change?

Does it work?

It sure does.  We set up and monitor data, so we can show you the numbers.


For example, one of our projects—by the grace of God—shows 10X the number of people turning to follow Jesus as a comparable project elsewhere.

Get In Touch

If you’re a Christian business owner or leader and you want to learn how to see everyday Kingdom fruit achieved through the business God has placed you in charge of, get in touch.

We would love to help you start to see lives changed in new ways through what you’re already doing every day!

What is even more amazing though, is that often by helping your teams get to know Jesus and follow him more closely, the corresponding joy, integrity, and work ethic that gets formed, can lead to even more profit!

Would your people be kinder and have more joy?

Would they work harder and be more honest? Would your customers want to work more with your teams because of their integrity? Would your teams have such a rich life in Christ that they naturally find people excited to talk to them about Jesus in everyday business meetings?

Get in touch to learn more

Find out how you can achieve that for your business.

The bauhinia (pronounced bow-hin-iya) flower is unique.

It was discovered in British Hong Kong in the 19th century. As a hybrid it cannot self-propagate. Bauhinia plants can only be replicated by taking a cutting and grafting it onto rootstock. In fact, all bauhinia plants in the world can be traced back to the original plant that is kept in the Hong Kong Botanical Gardens. We think this is a beautiful metaphor for what Gospel movement is all about. We are all able to experience the Kingdom of God as we are grafted into the true vine—Jesus (John 15:1). We want to bring beautiful growth to existing businesses. We help you graft proven gospel-expanding principals into the rootstock of your existing business. Bauhinia Consulting: We bring the beautiful growth.

Services for Entrepreneurs

We specialize in helping Entrepreneurs understand how the Kingdom can come through the daily operations of their business

– Full Initial Consultation. 

– Initial Implementation

– Fractional Chief Spiritual Officer

Services for Kingdom Investors

Investors passionate about Gospel advancing work within the Kingdom companies they invest in, tend to have the same major concern: ‘How do we get rid of the squishiness around reporting results when it comes to the Spiritual Bottom Line?’

– Independent Evaluation

– Pre-investment Evaluation

– Equipping and Acceleration

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